About This Book
My grandfather died at the age of 73, when I was only eight years old, but my memories, affection and interest in him continue.
This is his story.
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied
is as true today as it ever was.
Chief Justice Patrick Kerwin speaking at the opening of the Superior Court of Québec Montreal, Québec, 1957.
Canada Today Has a Legal System
in which its people could take great satisfaction. Law is not an exact science, but no stone would be left unturned that could possibly interfere with the best possible determination of the rights of man.
Chief Justice Patrick Kerwin as quoted by the Sarnia Daily Observer, October 25, 1957
Courts are Established to Settle Disputes.
Justice Patrick Kerwin in an address to graduating students, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, 1950.
Students of Law Must be Taught
not merely what the professor knows, but they must be trained to think for themselves.
Coles Billing Bridge
LINKS TO ARTICLES:Sarnia Journal - p.8https://issuu.com/thesarniajournal/docs/sarnia_journal_may_9_2019?e=27492273%2F69725103Guelph Mercuryhttps://www.guelphmercury.com/opinion-story/9102517-lawyer-who-became-chief-justice-of-canada-spent-many-years-practicing-law-in-guelph/SUPREME ADVOCACYhttps://supremeadvocacy.ca/2019/02/20/grace-and-wisdom/CANADIAN LAW LIBRARY REVIEW - p.9https://www.callacbd.ca/resources/Documents/Awards/CLLR%2044_2%20(Updated%20June%2010,%202019).pdfSLAW - Canada's online legal magazinehttps://www.lawyer2call.com/2018/08/09/thursday-thinkpiece-grace-and-wisdom-patrick-g-kerwin-chief-justice-of-canada/OTTAWA CITIZENhttps://ottawacitizen.com/opinion/columnists/mckenna-the-supremes-didnt-always-have-it-this-good-the-home-of-our-top-court-was-once-a-stable
Stephen G. McKenna
The author of this biography undertook the task ensuring his grandfather’s story was captured for posterity.
Having contributed articles to the media about his grandfather, Stephen continues to tell the story of a great Canadian in this book: Chief Justice Patrick Kerwin, a person who dedicated much of his life to the service of all Canadians.
The tale is told about his maternal grandfather’s career and the life he lived with his family as he climbed to the pinnacle of his profession. Stephen has also brought the personal side of his storied life by including family anecdotes and pictures never before seen in public.
As an author, musician and producer living in Ottawa, Ontario, Stephen will be publishing a collection of short stories and other works in the near future.

Grace & Wisdom in the media
Deals with the essential creation of Canada’s legal system and the large role Patrick Kerwin played in it. At just 23 he was a full-named Partner and at 55 Chief Justice of Canada.
"...it must be remembered that the law is a jealous mistress and demands of you, and all her devotees, an assiduous devotion to her cause. The common law is not static but develops from era to era...but that changing circumstances require you to seek to apply those principals to altered conditions...." Address to Students, Osgood Hall, Toronto, June 29, 1950.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It carried
me along
and I looked forward to picking it up each time. I learned a lot about
times...and also enjoyed learning about the court system and legal
(e.g., I found your grandfather’s role in the Jehovah Witnesses case so
thinking). I
recognize how you skillfully covered topics
that could have been covered in a way that was wildly
tough/obscure/dull, and
instead you presented things clearly and in a way that engaged the
reader. You illustrated why
Mr. Justice Taschereau said on your grandfather’s passing: “…..it was my
privilege to fully appreciate his great qualities of heart and mind”.Yes, your grandfather’s great heart and mind shone through.
E. Donahue, Ottawa